Saturday, November 14, 2009

A very special giveaway.

As most of you know, my family has recently began singing and learning to play instruments. I came across this giveaway on the SONGS OF FAITH blog.
She is giving away a few things to choose from.
Please stop by and visit her site. I am sure you will be glad you did so.

I am Forever His,



Deborah said...

Thanks Rebecca!

Rebecca said...

You are so welcome Ms. Debra.

God Bless.

Deborah said...

Hi Rebecca, Come and visit Songs Of Faith, then email me!

HOPE said...

Congratulations Rebecca on your win!!!

Isn't it exciting...

I'll be back to visit...

God bless..
HOPE(the other winner!)

Rebecca said...

I won! I am so excited. I cannot wait to get my CD! Your music is just beautiful Ms. Debbie.
God is so good.

HOPE said...

Hi Rebecca.. I rec'd my book and Cd's from Deb. WONDERFUL!! already my favorite song is TAKE ALL and singing it with the CD! I'm hoping to do this one as a special at our church. Such a great message.

I know you will enjoy yours too!

God bless..

Rebecca said...

I just got back in town so I have not gotten my mail yet, I am very excited to see if mine is in the mail.
Thanks for stopping by.

God Bless.


Rebecca said...

I received my two discs and my book of music today, We are very excited to learn some new songs.
I will let you know if we can get any of them down.
Thank you so much Ms. Debbie for this giveaway.
God Bless you.
