I felt the need to add a new post just so that my post about myself would be removed from the first post on my blog. I feel a little anxious about posting so much about myself, as I do not want to come across as if I am bringing glory to myself. The whole idea of my blog was to bring Glory and Honor unto My Savior.
I have been pondering and really reviewing my motives in all things that are a part of my life. I want my life to point to my Savior, I want to stand before my Lord and hear him say one day, well done my child. So this is why I am asking myself these questions.
Why do I blog?
Why do I spend so much time reading others blogs?
Why do I need to blog to other Christians?
Is this going to merit me anything for all eternity?
Why do I do what I am doing? Does it line up with scripture?
Is it pointing others to Christ?
Is this really what the Lord wants me to do?
I have come to notice that there are a lot of Christians that spend a lot of time blogging. It is a wonderful tool to post your research and to post what is going on in our lives and a great way to allow family to keep up on what the Lord is doing in our lives. But what is my duty as a born again Christian?
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Matthew 28:19 GO YE therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
I desire to reach others with the gospel, I desire to see souls saved. The reason for the poll was to see who I was reaching with my blog, which seems so far that I am reaching born again Christians. I do have a deep down desire to teach others and that is part of the great commission. I ask you to pray with me as you visit my blog and ask the Lord to give me clear direction on what his will is for my life. As I spend my time researching and digging into God's word on why I am doing what I am doing, I will try to update and share with you what the Lord shows me. I do believe that we should keep a constant check on our motives.
Psalms 139:23 SEARCH ME, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
This is a hard prayer for me to pray, I know that when I do so, God is faithful to give me a very good glimpse of who I am and what my motives are. Sometimes, it is not fun to see yourself like God sees you, but I know the only way I can truly please my Lord is to allow him to shine his heavenly light into the deep dark secret parts of my heart and allow him to show me what he sees.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I would love to get some interaction on my posts, Please if you have something the Lord has shown you, feel free to leave your thoughts.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
100 more things about me.
1. I love my husband, He truly is my best friend, and we spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week together and we actually get along.
2. I have five children. Yes, that's right. Count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The Lord knew I needed 5 children; they have been good for me, when you have multiple children you have to learn to die to self because they require so much from you.
3. I taught school for 6 years and I now home school the three youngest of my children.
4. I feel very grateful for the privilege to be asked to teach. I do not understand why the Lord chose me to teach, but I am humbled at the opportunity.
5. When my children were little, I constantly found myself counting them. If one of them were not with me, I felt very uneasy. It felt strange not to make it to the number 5.
6. I am very grateful for the desire that God has put in my heart to serve him.
7. I am very grateful and amazed that God is doing the same thing in the heart of my children.
8. I love music.
9. I love to sing, but am not very good at it. (My children often say to me, "Mom, you are off key"
10. I prayed for 10 years that God would give me a piano, He did, and then when we left for the ministry in Kansas, I had to leave it behind......(maybe a little bitter :0( )
11. I prayed before some of my children were born that God would give them the talent to play the piano. He is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or think. Seth started playing the piano at 3 years old. Sarah can play by ear also.
12. I do enjoy playing the piano but I did not take advantage of the lessons as a child so it is a struggle for me.
13. Someone has music playing somewhere in the house most of the time.
14. We sing as a family, but have not really done it much until we moved here to Kentucky. All of my children sing very well and can harmonize another talent from the Lord.
15. Sarah picked up the guitar one day and said I am going to learn to play the guitar, and she did. To God be the glory.
16. I used to have a very hard time comprehending what I had read and still do at times and putting what I read into practice is very difficult for me. But I love to read now and I give God the glory for that because I used to ask him for the ability to comprehend what I have read.
17. I love to read books on prayer; I have a deep burning desire to see God answer prayers in my life and the lives of my husband and children.
18. I long to be back in the ministry one day soon.
19. I have a burden to see my family walk with the Lord. My biggest fear is that some of my extended family will die without Christ, thinking they are ok.
20. I can't believe I'm only on #20.
21. I have a great desire to loose weight but not enough to motivate me to do something about it.
22. Some of my children gave up pop (soda) years ago, then others of them have followed lately, they motivated me to do so also.
23. We are addicted to sweets and it makes me fearful because of diabetes in our family.
24. I feel horrible after indulging in sweets.
25. I need glasses. (That was random) lol.
26. I started turning away from the teachings of my Christian home at the age of 10.
27. I felt very insecure as a teenager.
28. I enjoyed being pregnant, I loved feeling that life moving and growing inside of me. That is another reason I had five.
29. When I first started teaching, I did not like children very much, but God put a love in my heart for them and I love to see the transformation from the beginning of the year to the end.
30. I'm definitely a teacher. I will try to teach anyone who will listen to me. It is a drive deep down inside of me.
31. I think God has an interesting sense of humor.
32. When I first got in church and I saw the need to teach my children character, I felt overwhelmed! I didn’t know how to teach character because of the lack of character in my own life.
33. I Absolutely LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!
34. It drives me crazy when something needs done and it is put off to the last minute!!!!!!!
35. I have an on-going conversation with myself in an effort to reprogram negative thoughts into positive, thankful ones. Constant battle.
36. I believe that God wants us to stand strong in his faith, especially in these last days; I desire to stand strong, if for nothing else, my children.
37. I'm so thankful that God gave me my family.
38. I enjoy my husbands cooking so much. I am so thankful he desires to have good food and knows that he gets it when he cooks.
39. I'm terrible at math.
40. But I love to organize our bills.
41. I loved when my babies were small. When they only wanted momma.
42. I did not desire to go to college.
43. I desired to get married and have babies.
44. I absolutely despise a critical spirit. I do not like when others feel it is their place to straighten out others families.
45. I have been guilty, but have been delivered. It is a miserable life to live. Pride is the author of this fault. Who am I to feel I need to straighten anyone out except for the family God has given me.
46. I spend too much time caring what others think.
47. I absolutely adore my children. Have I said that already?
48. My family is very close.
49. I always desired to have a sister.
50. My favorite song is Gods been good. Legacy Five.
51. My mom and dad took my kids whenever they possibly could when they were small.
52. I know my mom misses my boys as much as I do.
53. It always tickled me at the response I got when I was out with all of my children when they were small.
54. My baby girl started talking at an early age and still talks a lot today. (As I am filling this out she is at the table doing her school work and is talking non-stop)
55. I may have to take a break from this to deal with her continual talking.
56. I started praying for my children's spouses at an early age. I am excited to see how God is going to bring their mates into the lives of my children. I am pretty sure he has reveled one already.
57. If used to fret about my house so much when my children were small, I wish I would have played with them more instead of getting on them about the house so much. Some of them are gone now, but my house is still here, and it still gets messy.
58. My flesh hates to fast, but I believe it is a very essential part of a successful Christian walk.
59. If I could have one wish, I'd wish for a live-in cook. Oh, I have one, silly me.... My husband does most of the cooking.
60. I desire to lead souls to Christ.
61. I desire to disciple souls after I lead them to Christ. It is the teacher in me.
62. I love when my boys call home and discuss the trials and victories in their walk with the Lord.
63. I love to reach out to others and make them smile.
64. I have struggled much in my walk with the Lord from fear of what others think.
65. I love to watch Extreme makeover home edition. We do not have cable, so we have to wait each week until it is posted online, then we sit as a family and watch it.
66. Mike and I are big ball babies when it comes to that show.
67. I love to write
68. I'm willing to do research on topics that I'm unfamiliar with, and once I come to a conclusion about a given subject, it's almost impossible to change my mind.
69. I long to write a book one day, but I just do not know what to write about.
70. Before my husband was saved, I claimed 1 Peter 3: 1 1. Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
71. I didn’t always submit in the flesh, but I longed to in my Spirit and kept a constant check on confessing when I didn't.
72. I believe my husband is saved today because of that promise that I claimed.
73. My favorite Verse is Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
74. I am so thankful for that verse; it has changed my whole prospective on life.
75. Mike and I will have been married for 24 years this year in May.
76. I have a silly personality.....I love to laugh and make others laugh.
77. Mike and I love to spend time with each other.
78. My dad's nickname for me was Bone. Not bones....but bone! I weighed 93 pounds when I got married.
79. If I know someone is upset with me, I will try to make it right even If I think they are wrong. It amazes me how hard it is for some people to see they are wrong about things.
80. My "me time" is spent blogging.
81. I love to sew, but cannot afford material right now.
82. I love to make curtains and decorate my home with things I have made whether it is with wood or with material.
83. Mike and I dated for 8 months before we got married.
84. I always desired 7 children, until number 5 came along, I knew in my heart we were done.
85. My mom prayed I would marry a preacher one day. She thought God didn’t hear her when Mike and I got married.
86. God saved Mike in November of 1994
87. God called him to preach April 1995 (God answered my mom's prayer)
88. I knew God was going to call him to preach before he called him. God was preparing my heart to be a preacher’s wife. (She pondered those things in her heart)
89. Our first house we owned was 800 square foot. (7 people, one bath, and a dog.)
90. I love my new church. I love that my Pastor stands and proclaims the Word of God!! He preaches hard on sin.
91. Our Pastor believes in allowing the church to testify. We also have liberty to Praise the Lord and sing Praises to our Father. It is an encouragement to hear what your church family is thankful for.
92. It blesses my heart to see my children stand with a broken heart and share something the Lord showed them from his Word this week.
93. I kill most houseplants very quickly after receiving them. Artificial plants are my thing.
94. Miraculously, I have had one plant for several years now.
95. I met my husband while walking the streets.......He loves to tell that story on me. I was taking a walk after church one night and he and his friends drove by with their light on and all I saw was mike and I screamed....WOO WHOO, with a very loud voice. They stopped and backed up and that was the beginning of our lives together.
96. When I was little, I was a compulsive liar, and a good one. I think that is why I love Titus 1:2 so much.
97. Until the Lord saved me, that didn’t really change until my adult life.
98. We do not have cable T.V.
99. We love to watch movies. I loved Fireproof. Mike and I cried through that one too.
100. My husband is my hero, I have watched him live with chronic back pain for many years, but he still desires to live for the Lord and do what is right by his family. It would be so easy to lie down and quit. I have watched him grow into a man of God that will proclaim the truth and be his own person, even when it goes against the grain of others. He is such a strong leader and I have seen his stand for the Lord directly affect the lives of others. He has been my strong tower and has helped me stand, when I did not think I could stand another day.
:D Thanks for taking the time to read it.
2. I have five children. Yes, that's right. Count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The Lord knew I needed 5 children; they have been good for me, when you have multiple children you have to learn to die to self because they require so much from you.
3. I taught school for 6 years and I now home school the three youngest of my children.
4. I feel very grateful for the privilege to be asked to teach. I do not understand why the Lord chose me to teach, but I am humbled at the opportunity.
5. When my children were little, I constantly found myself counting them. If one of them were not with me, I felt very uneasy. It felt strange not to make it to the number 5.
6. I am very grateful for the desire that God has put in my heart to serve him.
7. I am very grateful and amazed that God is doing the same thing in the heart of my children.
8. I love music.
9. I love to sing, but am not very good at it. (My children often say to me, "Mom, you are off key"
10. I prayed for 10 years that God would give me a piano, He did, and then when we left for the ministry in Kansas, I had to leave it behind......(maybe a little bitter :0( )
11. I prayed before some of my children were born that God would give them the talent to play the piano. He is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or think. Seth started playing the piano at 3 years old. Sarah can play by ear also.
12. I do enjoy playing the piano but I did not take advantage of the lessons as a child so it is a struggle for me.
13. Someone has music playing somewhere in the house most of the time.
14. We sing as a family, but have not really done it much until we moved here to Kentucky. All of my children sing very well and can harmonize another talent from the Lord.
15. Sarah picked up the guitar one day and said I am going to learn to play the guitar, and she did. To God be the glory.
16. I used to have a very hard time comprehending what I had read and still do at times and putting what I read into practice is very difficult for me. But I love to read now and I give God the glory for that because I used to ask him for the ability to comprehend what I have read.
17. I love to read books on prayer; I have a deep burning desire to see God answer prayers in my life and the lives of my husband and children.
18. I long to be back in the ministry one day soon.
19. I have a burden to see my family walk with the Lord. My biggest fear is that some of my extended family will die without Christ, thinking they are ok.
20. I can't believe I'm only on #20.
21. I have a great desire to loose weight but not enough to motivate me to do something about it.
22. Some of my children gave up pop (soda) years ago, then others of them have followed lately, they motivated me to do so also.
23. We are addicted to sweets and it makes me fearful because of diabetes in our family.
24. I feel horrible after indulging in sweets.
25. I need glasses. (That was random) lol.
26. I started turning away from the teachings of my Christian home at the age of 10.
27. I felt very insecure as a teenager.
28. I enjoyed being pregnant, I loved feeling that life moving and growing inside of me. That is another reason I had five.
29. When I first started teaching, I did not like children very much, but God put a love in my heart for them and I love to see the transformation from the beginning of the year to the end.
30. I'm definitely a teacher. I will try to teach anyone who will listen to me. It is a drive deep down inside of me.
31. I think God has an interesting sense of humor.
32. When I first got in church and I saw the need to teach my children character, I felt overwhelmed! I didn’t know how to teach character because of the lack of character in my own life.
33. I Absolutely LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!
34. It drives me crazy when something needs done and it is put off to the last minute!!!!!!!
35. I have an on-going conversation with myself in an effort to reprogram negative thoughts into positive, thankful ones. Constant battle.
36. I believe that God wants us to stand strong in his faith, especially in these last days; I desire to stand strong, if for nothing else, my children.
37. I'm so thankful that God gave me my family.
38. I enjoy my husbands cooking so much. I am so thankful he desires to have good food and knows that he gets it when he cooks.
39. I'm terrible at math.
40. But I love to organize our bills.
41. I loved when my babies were small. When they only wanted momma.
42. I did not desire to go to college.
43. I desired to get married and have babies.
44. I absolutely despise a critical spirit. I do not like when others feel it is their place to straighten out others families.
45. I have been guilty, but have been delivered. It is a miserable life to live. Pride is the author of this fault. Who am I to feel I need to straighten anyone out except for the family God has given me.
46. I spend too much time caring what others think.
47. I absolutely adore my children. Have I said that already?
48. My family is very close.
49. I always desired to have a sister.
50. My favorite song is Gods been good. Legacy Five.
51. My mom and dad took my kids whenever they possibly could when they were small.
52. I know my mom misses my boys as much as I do.
53. It always tickled me at the response I got when I was out with all of my children when they were small.
54. My baby girl started talking at an early age and still talks a lot today. (As I am filling this out she is at the table doing her school work and is talking non-stop)
55. I may have to take a break from this to deal with her continual talking.
56. I started praying for my children's spouses at an early age. I am excited to see how God is going to bring their mates into the lives of my children. I am pretty sure he has reveled one already.
57. If used to fret about my house so much when my children were small, I wish I would have played with them more instead of getting on them about the house so much. Some of them are gone now, but my house is still here, and it still gets messy.
58. My flesh hates to fast, but I believe it is a very essential part of a successful Christian walk.
59. If I could have one wish, I'd wish for a live-in cook. Oh, I have one, silly me.... My husband does most of the cooking.
60. I desire to lead souls to Christ.
61. I desire to disciple souls after I lead them to Christ. It is the teacher in me.
62. I love when my boys call home and discuss the trials and victories in their walk with the Lord.
63. I love to reach out to others and make them smile.
64. I have struggled much in my walk with the Lord from fear of what others think.
65. I love to watch Extreme makeover home edition. We do not have cable, so we have to wait each week until it is posted online, then we sit as a family and watch it.
66. Mike and I are big ball babies when it comes to that show.
67. I love to write
68. I'm willing to do research on topics that I'm unfamiliar with, and once I come to a conclusion about a given subject, it's almost impossible to change my mind.
69. I long to write a book one day, but I just do not know what to write about.
70. Before my husband was saved, I claimed 1 Peter 3: 1 1. Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
71. I didn’t always submit in the flesh, but I longed to in my Spirit and kept a constant check on confessing when I didn't.
72. I believe my husband is saved today because of that promise that I claimed.
73. My favorite Verse is Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
74. I am so thankful for that verse; it has changed my whole prospective on life.
75. Mike and I will have been married for 24 years this year in May.
76. I have a silly personality.....I love to laugh and make others laugh.
77. Mike and I love to spend time with each other.
78. My dad's nickname for me was Bone. Not bones....but bone! I weighed 93 pounds when I got married.
79. If I know someone is upset with me, I will try to make it right even If I think they are wrong. It amazes me how hard it is for some people to see they are wrong about things.
80. My "me time" is spent blogging.
81. I love to sew, but cannot afford material right now.
82. I love to make curtains and decorate my home with things I have made whether it is with wood or with material.
83. Mike and I dated for 8 months before we got married.
84. I always desired 7 children, until number 5 came along, I knew in my heart we were done.
85. My mom prayed I would marry a preacher one day. She thought God didn’t hear her when Mike and I got married.
86. God saved Mike in November of 1994
87. God called him to preach April 1995 (God answered my mom's prayer)
88. I knew God was going to call him to preach before he called him. God was preparing my heart to be a preacher’s wife. (She pondered those things in her heart)
89. Our first house we owned was 800 square foot. (7 people, one bath, and a dog.)
90. I love my new church. I love that my Pastor stands and proclaims the Word of God!! He preaches hard on sin.
91. Our Pastor believes in allowing the church to testify. We also have liberty to Praise the Lord and sing Praises to our Father. It is an encouragement to hear what your church family is thankful for.
92. It blesses my heart to see my children stand with a broken heart and share something the Lord showed them from his Word this week.
93. I kill most houseplants very quickly after receiving them. Artificial plants are my thing.
94. Miraculously, I have had one plant for several years now.
95. I met my husband while walking the streets.......He loves to tell that story on me. I was taking a walk after church one night and he and his friends drove by with their light on and all I saw was mike and I screamed....WOO WHOO, with a very loud voice. They stopped and backed up and that was the beginning of our lives together.
96. When I was little, I was a compulsive liar, and a good one. I think that is why I love Titus 1:2 so much.
97. Until the Lord saved me, that didn’t really change until my adult life.
98. We do not have cable T.V.
99. We love to watch movies. I loved Fireproof. Mike and I cried through that one too.
100. My husband is my hero, I have watched him live with chronic back pain for many years, but he still desires to live for the Lord and do what is right by his family. It would be so easy to lie down and quit. I have watched him grow into a man of God that will proclaim the truth and be his own person, even when it goes against the grain of others. He is such a strong leader and I have seen his stand for the Lord directly affect the lives of others. He has been my strong tower and has helped me stand, when I did not think I could stand another day.
:D Thanks for taking the time to read it.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
44 ODD Things about Me.
44 Odd Things About Me
;)1. Do you like blue cheese? um.... no. Thank you.
2. Have you ever jumped off of something higher than 30 Feet? YES, and never again!
I jumped off of a cliff into laurel lake....www.youtube.com/mestepb
3. Do you own a gun? No, I personally fear guns.
4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? Not a big fan of Kool-aid, but if i had to choose, It would be grape.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not at all.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I fear what I am really eating, but if I dont think about it, I kinda like a good hot dog every now and then.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? ?????
8. Favorite thing to drink in the morning? Coffee with milk
9. Can you do push ups? I really thought I could, until Ms. Francis challenged me to it, I couldn't even get my body off the ground.....I hate to even think about the last time I tried to do a push up, it cause more damage than good that day.
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding ring
11. Favorite hobby? Computer, Woodworking (I love the smell of wood)
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No, but I know LOTS of people who do! :)
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? My selfish tendencies
14. Middle name? Joanne
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. Why am I doing this and not my laundry?
I am praying very hard for a very special friend today, I want God to do a miracle in my life and the lives of my family and friends.
16. Name 3 drinks that you regularly drink? coffee, tea, grape juice.
17. Current worry? How God is going to pay Zac's school bill.
18. Current hate right now? My eating habits and my weight.
19. Favorite place to be? Home
20.How will you bring in the new year? Prayer
21. Where would you like to go? Oklahoma City
22. Name three people who might complete this.????????
23. Do you own slippers? yes and I love them.
24. What shirt are you wearing? Black pull over
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? yes but they slid all over the place.
26. Can you whistle? yes, I do it all the time, even when I am in public not realizing I am doing it and others look at me funny. lol.
27. Favorite color? Can I have two? Colbult blue and yellow
28. Would you be a pirate? No, I couldnt shoot anyone,,,,,remember I am afraid of guns......
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever is playing on the cd player.
30. Favorite Girl's Name? I always loved Lydia Grace
31. Favorite boy's name? Elijah
32. What's in your pocket right now? dust bunnies.
33. Last thing that made you laugh? My girls singing last night.....Jordan was trying to sing and sarah was playing one key on the guitar and wouldnt change it.....Jordan stayed strong, but it sounded awful.
34. What vehicle do you drive? A mini van, and a red cadillac.....love it, it is stylish and confortable,,,it has butt warmers...
35. Worst injury you've ever had? Probably the time that Jordan ran through my bedroom door to bring me something that I asked for and my big toe caught on the door and ripped my whole toenail off, except for the back corner. I had to go to the emergency room and they tried to numb it with 4 shots and it would not numb, so he just had to jerk it off. OH IT HURT SO BAD!!!
36. Do you love where you live? YES, The Lord gave us this house and I am so content here, It is out in the country and so private and so beautiful.
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? One that we use and two others just sitting.
38. Who is your loudest friend? That would have to be April without a doubt , but I haven't seen her in a really long time.
39. Do you have any pets? One dog. IZZY
40. Can you balance a spoon on your nose? I think so.
41. Your favorite book(s)? Without a doubt, Prayer Asking and receiving By John R. Rice.
42. Do you collect anything? Not really, but I love birdhouses and I love country Americana decor and I have a lot of it.
43. Favorite Sports Team? No.
44. What song do you want played at your funeral?
God's been good Legacy Five.
Ok, now is your turn. Copy and paste and give me your answers. I would love to have you fill this out and let me know about you.
Or if you just want to comment that would be fine too.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Me and My Sweetheart
We had a great time at a couples dinner at our church Feb 14th 09.
We played a game and had to see how many lip prints we could get
on our sweeties faces. Mike said, Honey we have the an advantage,
we have more room to work with.....lol.
I started at the top and didnt even make it to his lips before our time
was up......: 0 (
I did manage to get 17 prints in, but another lady ( which is now known
as Hot Lips) ended up getting 20.
That was so much fun. It is a great game to play at a couples get
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Praise! God's been good.
When God begins to move, it seems like he just pours it on.
My whole christian life all I have ever wanted is that my children serve the Lord.
I desire to see them have a real relationship with my Saviour. I was probably
your typical unsaved teenager that seem to feel a need to experience the things of this
world and I unfortunately live with the scars today which brings a greater burden and
desire to see my children to walk a different path than I chose to walk.
I have prayed that God would put within the hearts of my children the desire to
know him, to hear his voice and to respond when they are drawn. This past
Sunday night two of my daughters responded to that call. Sarah finally submitted
to the Lord and threw up the white flag. She has been doubting her salvation for
months now and realized her need to finally settle this matter in her life.
Jordan had also been broken last week about her sin and her need for a closer
walk with the Lord. Just Sat night we were discussing this issue and Sunday night
when her sister had the nerve to do right, it brought her to her knees also.
Both were birthed into the family God Feb 8th 2009.
Some more good news this week. Sarah has needed braces for quite some time, her jaw is
off set and it needs to be drawn to the right position. In Dec, we took her to the
orthodontist and he submitted her records for approval through the medical card, shortly
after she was denied. Sarah was broken hearted because she desired them terribly.
We discussed God knows best and that we need to trust the Lord with all things.
Today, I received a letter in the mail stating that the denile had been overturned and
she has been granted approval for treatment. This came out of the blue, we did not
know the dentist had appealed it and asked for reconsideration.
As I testified in church Sunday night. I was a child that turned away from the
tremendous opportunity that God gave me to serve him, and I live with
scars today from it, but God can take a broken vessel and let that vessel become
a vessel of honor for him. I may be scarred but I pray that the Lord will
allow me to raise up some vessels that he can use that can shine brighter
than I can ever shine for him. I can say today with all my heart.....God's been good.
(My new favorite song by Legacy Five)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
May we bring Glory and Honor unto the Lord. An update on Zac.

Heartland Bible Baptist Campus
Psalms 105:3
GLORY ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.
Psalms 145:11
They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power;
Let me tell you a little about what has been going on in Zac's life.
Since he has been to college, he has desired to have strong faith and see God work miracles in his life. Zac thrives on the impossible. He loves to see God move mountains and has full faith that God can do that.
Last semester he began to pray about traveling with the VBS team at Heartland Bible Baptist College. He loves to work with children and is good at it and he also loves to travel and see new places. When he went back to school in Jan, he began praying about what the Lord wanted him to do. While Zac was home for the holidays his grandpa and uncle loaded him up with new barber supplies so that he could continue cutting hair for some of the guys. One day he went to a barber shop with one of his friends and the barber began to talk to Zac about an apprenticeship program and that he could have his barber license in less than 2 years.
Zac called us and asked us to pray and it seemed like an awesome opportunity, because Zac has talked about going to barber school after bible college, so we all began to pray for God's direction.
Zac would have had to stay in Oklahoma City all summer and work as a barber.
Zac started really searching for God's direction, because he really desired to do the VBS, but that would not be posted until Feb 3rd.
He went to the barbershop and told him his desires and the man had him cut a few guys hair to show him what his abilities were. The man told Zac that he was a natural and that he would be a very good barber but the man was a Christian and understood Zac's situation. He told him to pray about it and wait on the news from the college and let him know.
Today is Feb 3rd, Zac found out this morning that he made the VBS (vacation bible school team)
He is thrilled that they chose him for the team. What this means for Zac is that he will be able to travel with the team and get some very valuable experience and he will be able to establish relationships with pastors, so that when the day comes that he needs to go on deputation they will be familiar with him already.
Another blessing with this opportunity is that next semester will be paid for. God is really blessing our family by allowing both of our boys scholarships to go to college.
One more blessing, Zac was hired on at the school, he will be working as a grounds keeper and security. This means that he does not have to pay for gas, have a car, pay for insurance. God took care of it all.
Needless to say, Zac is calling the barber tomorrow to decline his offer, Zac is going to seek the Kingdom of God first.
Matthew 6:33
But SEEK YE FIRST THE kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
To God be the Glory, I like to share these trials in our lives to point anyone that reads them to Christ. To many times we have our own plans or we try to work things out ourselves, but if we will let go and acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, He will direct our paths.
GLORY ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.
Psalms 145:11
They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power;
Let me tell you a little about what has been going on in Zac's life.
Since he has been to college, he has desired to have strong faith and see God work miracles in his life. Zac thrives on the impossible. He loves to see God move mountains and has full faith that God can do that.
Last semester he began to pray about traveling with the VBS team at Heartland Bible Baptist College. He loves to work with children and is good at it and he also loves to travel and see new places. When he went back to school in Jan, he began praying about what the Lord wanted him to do. While Zac was home for the holidays his grandpa and uncle loaded him up with new barber supplies so that he could continue cutting hair for some of the guys. One day he went to a barber shop with one of his friends and the barber began to talk to Zac about an apprenticeship program and that he could have his barber license in less than 2 years.
Zac called us and asked us to pray and it seemed like an awesome opportunity, because Zac has talked about going to barber school after bible college, so we all began to pray for God's direction.
Zac would have had to stay in Oklahoma City all summer and work as a barber.
Zac started really searching for God's direction, because he really desired to do the VBS, but that would not be posted until Feb 3rd.
He went to the barbershop and told him his desires and the man had him cut a few guys hair to show him what his abilities were. The man told Zac that he was a natural and that he would be a very good barber but the man was a Christian and understood Zac's situation. He told him to pray about it and wait on the news from the college and let him know.
Today is Feb 3rd, Zac found out this morning that he made the VBS (vacation bible school team)
He is thrilled that they chose him for the team. What this means for Zac is that he will be able to travel with the team and get some very valuable experience and he will be able to establish relationships with pastors, so that when the day comes that he needs to go on deputation they will be familiar with him already.
Another blessing with this opportunity is that next semester will be paid for. God is really blessing our family by allowing both of our boys scholarships to go to college.
One more blessing, Zac was hired on at the school, he will be working as a grounds keeper and security. This means that he does not have to pay for gas, have a car, pay for insurance. God took care of it all.
Needless to say, Zac is calling the barber tomorrow to decline his offer, Zac is going to seek the Kingdom of God first.
Matthew 6:33
But SEEK YE FIRST THE kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
To God be the Glory, I like to share these trials in our lives to point anyone that reads them to Christ. To many times we have our own plans or we try to work things out ourselves, but if we will let go and acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, He will direct our paths.
May God increase your faith as you walk with him.
Psalms 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
IN ALL THY WAYS acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Psalms 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
IN ALL THY WAYS acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Five Good Reasons God Uses Problems
My friend sent this to me this morning, I felt it was so awesome that I had to share it. I have posted her website at the end of this post, Please go and visit her web page.
This was such an encouragment to me, I hope it will be the same for you.
Five Good Reasons God Uses Problems
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you - depending on how you respond to them. Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their problems rather than considering what benefit they might bring. Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:
1. God uses problems to DIRECT you. Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change. Is God trying to get your attention? "Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways."Proverbs 20:30
2. God uses problems to INSPECT you. People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's inside them, just drop them into hot water! Has God tested your faith with a problem What do problems reveal about you? "When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience."James 1:2-3
3. God uses problems to CORRECT you. Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. But you pr obably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn the value of something... health, money, a relationship. .. by losing it. "It was the best thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your laws." Psalm 119:71-72
4. God uses problems to PROTECT you. A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his bosshad asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later when management's actions were eventually discovered."You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good...Genesis 50:20
5. God uses problems to PERFECT you. Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders. God is far more interested in your character than your comfort.Your relationship to God and your character are the only two things you're going to take with you into eternity. "We can rejoice when we run into problems... they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady." Romans 5:3-4 Here's the point:God is at work in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it. But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him. "Success can be measured not only in achievements, but in lessons learned, lives touched and moments shared along the way"
Cancer Awareness, Pray for my Friend Pat
This was such an encouragment to me, I hope it will be the same for you.
Five Good Reasons God Uses Problems
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you - depending on how you respond to them. Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their problems rather than considering what benefit they might bring. Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:
1. God uses problems to DIRECT you. Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change. Is God trying to get your attention? "Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways."Proverbs 20:30
2. God uses problems to INSPECT you. People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's inside them, just drop them into hot water! Has God tested your faith with a problem What do problems reveal about you? "When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience."James 1:2-3
3. God uses problems to CORRECT you. Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. But you pr obably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn the value of something... health, money, a relationship. .. by losing it. "It was the best thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your laws." Psalm 119:71-72
4. God uses problems to PROTECT you. A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his bosshad asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later when management's actions were eventually discovered."You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good...Genesis 50:20
5. God uses problems to PERFECT you. Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders. God is far more interested in your character than your comfort.Your relationship to God and your character are the only two things you're going to take with you into eternity. "We can rejoice when we run into problems... they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady." Romans 5:3-4 Here's the point:God is at work in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it. But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him. "Success can be measured not only in achievements, but in lessons learned, lives touched and moments shared along the way"
Cancer Awareness, Pray for my Friend Pat
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