Sunday, February 14, 2010

Have you ever Doubted whether you will go to Heaven when you die?

If any of you have read my testimony, you know that I was raised in a Christian home and I struggled with whether I was really saved or not until the age of 25. I really believe that this is a huge struggle in many peoples lives. My husband and I both went through that and even our own children have made several professions but hopefully have it settled now.
Today I listened to a message that makes salvation so clear, I really appreciate the time Bro Travis Burke took in making the plan of Salvation so clear and understandable. It is a terrible thing to doubt and to worry about your eternal soul but there is nothing more satisfying than to be at total peace with the Lord knowing that your eternal home is in Heaven.
It seems so appropriate to always use my favorite verse in Titus 1:2 ....God cannot lie.
If he says it, he means it and he cannot waver from his truth. We just have to trust it and believe it. We just have to place ourselves in his hands and trust his ability to keep us and seal us and take us all the way to heaven.

I am so thankful that on May 7th 1992 I did just that and I have not doubted since. It is as sure as I am sitting here in this chair and typing on my laptop that I know that I know that I know I am saved and sealed until the day of redemption.
Praise the Lord that when he does save you, there is no doubt that he has done so. If you doubt than this would be a good time to examine and take a few minutes and listen to Bro. Travis preach this awesome message explaining the simple plan of Salvation.

Listen here to his message on SALVATION
Pastor Travis Burke
Cozaddale Baptist Temple

Pastor Travis has several messages on Sermons Audio
Stop by and listen to his other messages.


Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

Thanks for the link to Cozaddale -- I've found some good discussion points there. Enjoy your posts and will be coming back.

Travis Burke said...

Mrs. Estep,
Amen! It is so wonderful to know you are saved! Thank you for the kind words and to God be the glory!
Read verse 2 of that song again, how precious!
"O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,
To every believer the promise of God;
The vilest offender who truly believes,
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives."
Praise the Lord for His Salvation!

Faith Draper aka byfaithonly said...

Thank you for visiting my blog earlier. I really enjoyed your post on salvation there have been times over the years when I have questioned if I was truely saved - not however in questioning God's Promise but my own insecurities if 'I did it right'. I've resently started sharing some of my travels with God on Associated Content. This was the first installment of my series I plan to publish
Relationship with God

Rebecca said...
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Rebecca said...

I am so thankful for you stopping by to read my blog. I never take it lightly when others take the time to read what is on my heart.

My greatest joy is to help others come to know the Lord as their Saviour.

Bro. Travis,
I appreciate you commenting on my post, I didn't know if you would see it or not.
I truly believe so many stuggle with this in their lives and time is just to short to put it off and just guess about your eternal soul.
It is such a serious issue that it is a must to be sure.
I wouldn't want anyone to take a gamble on their soul.
I am so thankful to have heard about the many church members that have come to know the Lord after you preached this message.
No amount of pride is worth dying and going to hell over.
Praise the name of Jesus.